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Dana Steingold

Steingold photo
Dana Steingold is majoring in Political Science with a concentration in international affairs, and minoring in Jewish Studies. She is a rising sophomore, but academically she is entering her second semester of her Junior year. Dana plans on continuing her education after graduation from the University of Illinois. In Spring 2024, Dana took JS 495: Jewish Life in Central Illinois, where the class analyzed the U of I’s Central Illinois Jewish Communities Archives (CIJCA). Dana loved this course as it was an opportunity to look into a part of American Jewish history that had...

Samantha Levy

Levy photo
Samantha Levy is from Evanston, Illinois, and is a rising junior majoring in Architecture and minoring in Jewish Studies. After graduation, she plans to pursue a graduate degree in Architecture and she aspires to blend her major of Architecture and minor of Jewish studies by designing synagogues or other Jewish religious sites. Samantha believes it is of the utmost importance to be immersed in the Jewish community. During freshman year, Samantha joined the student board of Hillel where she is currently serving as the treasurer, was a WIZDM intern on campus, and she is currently a MASA campus...

Johnna Jones

Johnna Jones is currently in her final semester at Vanderbilt Law School! She will be taking the Tennessee Bar in July. She also just completed her second season as a Tennessee Titans Cheerleader!...
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Aria Tsoulouhas

During Aria’s first semester as an undergraduate, she enrolled in JS 120, A History of Judaism, taught by Professor Dov Weiss. At the time, she had a rudimentary interest in the academic study of...
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Yom HaShoah Workshop

Even as a fourth-generation Jewish Texan, S.L. Wisenberg has always felt the ghost of Europe dogging her steps, making her feel uneasy in her body and in the world. At age six, she’s sure that she hears Nazis at her bedroom window and knows that after they take her away, she’ll die without her...

Antisemitism on the American Campus

  May 1, 2024 9 AM-6:45 PM Levis faculty center 300 register here with NetId or livestream here   Sponsored by the Israel Studies Project, the Program in...

HEBR 201 & 403: Elementary and Intermediate Modern Hebrew

HEBR 201 Elementary Modern Hebrew I Credit: 5 hours Instructor: Ilit Morchaym Acquaints students with the fundamental principles of the Hebrew language. Develops all four language skills; reading, writing, listening and speaking. Grammar and comprehension are exercised through the textbook, the audio-visual materials and the computer. Easy stories will be used during the term to strengthen reading comprehension. Participation in the language laboratory is required. Open to Freshmen.  ...

Minority Groups and the Israeli Peculiarity

May 14, 2024 1PM CST Online event. Register here.   The State of Israel is a...

Sefardita: A Journey from Anthropology to Fiction

THURSDAY, APRIL 25TH, 2024 Ruth Behar 4:00pm Knight Auditorium, Spurlock Museum 600 South Gregory, Urbana View on Map   EVENT DESCRIPTION In this presentation, Ruth Behar will discuss her recent turn from anthropology to writing coming-of-age...
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