HEBR 201 Elementary Modern Hebrew I
Credit: 5 hours
Instructor: Ilit Morchaym
Acquaints students with the fundamental principles of the Hebrew language. Develops all four language skills; reading, writing, listening and speaking. Grammar and comprehension are exercised through the textbook, the audio-visual materials and the computer. Easy stories will be used during the term to strengthen reading comprehension. Participation in the language laboratory is required.
Open to Freshmen.
HEBR 403 Intermediate Modern Hebrew I
Credit: 5 hours
Instructor: Ilit Morchaym
Advanced examination of the fundamental principles of the Hebrew language. Develops all four language skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. Grammar and comprehension are exercised through the textbooks, the audio-visual materials and the computer. Examples of Hebrew fiction, largely easy stories, will be used during the term to strengthen reading comprehension. Participation in the language laboratory is required.
5 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: HEBR 202 or equivalent.
Open to Freshmen. Students that have not taken HEBR 202 must take the Hebrew placement-proficiency examination and consult the Hebrew coordinator prior to registration, or the Hebrew advisor at registration, for assignment to a lecture-discussion section.