Contact Information
#3117 in LCLB
Office Hours
T/Th 2-3:30 (Fall 2024)
Assistant Professor
Research Interests
Yiddish literature
Jewish Latin America
Migration, exile, and transnational writing
Print technologies and critical bibliography
Ph.D. Harvard University, 2023
Courses Taught
Fall 2024: Jewish Storytelling (CWL 221, ENGL 223, JS 220, REL 220, YDSH 220)
Additional Campus Affiliations
Comparative and World Literature
Recent Publications
Grossman, Rachelle. "The Most Mexican of Us All: Yiddish Modernism and the Racial Politics of National Belonging." Comparative Literature Studies 60, no. 2 (2023): 282-311. https://muse.jhu.edu/article/902179.