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Lesley M Wexler

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Contact Information

College of Law
504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.
504 E Pennsylvania
M/C 594
Champaign, IL 61820

Highlighted Publications

Journal Articles

"Extralegal White Washes." DEPAUL L. REV., vol. 61, no. 201, 2013.

"The Vietnamization of the Long War on Terror." BOSTON U. INT’L L. J., vol. 30, no. 575, 2012.

"Litigating the Long War on Terror." LOYOLA U. INT’L L. REV., vol. 9, no. 159, 2011.

"Beyond Literacy: Response to Tom Ginsburg’s The Political Economy of the Pashtunwali." U. CHI. LEGAL F., no. 115, 2011.

"International Humanitarian Law Transparency." 23 FSU J. Transnat’l L. & Pol’y, 2014.

"Regulating Resource Curses." 31 Cardozo L. Rev. 1717, 2010.

"The Promise and Limits of Local Human Rights Internationalism." 37 Fordham Urban L. J. 599, 2010.

Book Contributions

"The Role of the U.S. Judicial Branch during the Long War: Drone Courts, Damage Suits and Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests." Applying International Humanitarian Law in Judicial and Quasi-Judicial Bodies, 2014.